Thursday, December 23, 2010

Rendez-Vous Au..... Café de Flore

Debut en 1887

Il incarne un style de vie qui fait du sens.

Il ya une certaine ambiance que je ne peux pas expliquer. C'est peut-etre l'historie qui se cache derriere les miroirs.  

Ms Digestif

What's in your pocket ?

The goal of a survival kit is simplicity with maximum effectiveness while combining only the necessities in a light weight form. A survival kit merely as an example in that every gentlemen should be equipped with a couple items to assist him to thrive in any situation, with in reason, that life may snowball at him. By no means does anyone want to see one walking around with pockets jiggling with change and bulging with every little necessity one needs. I suppose the world needs these people but don't be one of them.
Above are the few things I never leave my apartment without. The items in the picture should not be foreign to most but it is how one does it and the detail put into them.

1. iPhone 3G - A clean, simple look, reliable with no sliding keyboards or moving parts.

2. Lodis - A thin, smaller wallet that will not take up to much space and perfectly nest one's credit cards, i.d., and misc. cash.

3. Jack Black - If you want to use them correctly get this lip balm.

4. Parker - A vintage pen I like to carry around. Never trust a phone or a Bic pen with teeth marks for taking down a number. Resort to a durable pen and a cocktail napkin if handy. It is old fashioned, classic and reliable.

5. Hotel Chantelle - Matches of the last lounge I visited.

6. Struhrling - A Swiss watch should be on every gentlemens' wrist. Spare us from the digital calculator watches.

7. Apartment Keys - No park benches please.

Warning: These items are tailored to urban living. Not recommended for a rural survival kit.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Friday, December 3, 2010

Café Habana

.....a multitude of small delights constitutes happiness. 
~Charles Baudelaire

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Importance of Being Clean

The apartment in which one lives is a direct reflection of one's self.

The perfect truth is keep it clean. For a gentlemen it comes with the territory.  A mediocre apartment can have it's appeal amplified if kept neat with a simple, yet suave decor. Never be the one to apologize to someone for an unkempt apartment before they step in. It is equivalent to purchasing one's deli meats at 7Eleven. I digress. The person will probably say, 'That is okay, I don't mind' and they will never return again. Now does one want to be just okay ? Or, would one rather be great and have a place that fetches compliments ? Remember not everyone can afford a place on the 30th floor of some sky rise with central air, a doorman, a rooftop deck and a view of Central Park. However, one can make the best of what one has.